Towing service
When you need assistance and the obstacle needs to be removed from the motorway immediately, please call the Traffic Information Centre (PIC) at +386 1 518 8 518.
Towing service
When you need assistance and the obstacle needs to be removed immediately, please call the Traffic Information Centre (PIC) at +386 1 518 8 518 .
Extremely important!
- If you are stuck with your vehicle in a driving, overtaking, slowing, braking or acceleration lane, your broken-down vehicle will be removed by a DARS-contracted tow-truck service.
- If you are stuck in an emergency lane, lay-by or rest area, you can call your own assistance or use the services of DARS' contractual partners. Call +386 1 518 8 518 for instructions.
- Goods vehicles over 3.5 tonnes can only be towed off the motorway or expressway by a DARS-contracted towing company.
In accordance with the Roads Act (ZCes-2) and the Road Traffic Rules Act (ZPrCP), the Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia (DARS) is the motorway and carriageways operator in the Republic of Slovenia, and as such is obliged to remove all obstacles from motorways and carriageways, which include broken down, damaged or abandoned vehicles, and thus ensure a safe traffic flow.
Notwithstanding the provisions of ZPrCP, the change in ZCes-2 refers only to the removal of vehicles whose maximum permissible weight exceeds 3,500 kg, whereas Article 30, item 11 of ZPrCP remains in effect, under which the driver of a vehicle, the maximum permissible weight of which does not exceed 3,500 kg, who made an emergency stop in the emergency lane or lay-by, must himself/herself ensure that the vehicle is removed immediately, i.e. within 2 hours. The driver of such a vehicle may in this case call a roadside assistance service or any other towing service of his/her choice in order to have the vehicle removed. If the driver fails to do the above, then the vehicle shall be removed by the regular maintenance provider of DARS d.d. at the expense of the driver. Even in the case when the driver himself/herself fails to primarily organise the removal of the obstacle, DARS d.d. shall task the contractual service providers for the removal of vehicles (chosen on the basis of the public call) to remove passenger cars from the emergency lanes or lay-by lanes.
Towing service pricelist (valid from 15. 9. 2023).pdf
The removal of obstacles from motorways and carriageways, roadside assistance services and mobile crane operation services, are divided into nine territorial zones - areas of DARS motorway bases:
- zone no. 1 - ACB Postojna: Avtovleka Jerneja Kopitar s.p. and Assistance Coris d.o.o. and their subcontractors: Avtovleka Sukič Darko s.p., Avtovleka Stanislav Kavšek s.p., SINT Novo mesto d.o.o, Alfa-Car Rovan Sandi s.p., Avtovleka Čepon, Miha Jesenko s.p., Avtovleka Martin Štucin s.p., Avto-Kras d.o.o., Avtovleka Pajer d.o.o.; Avtovleka Setnikar d.o.o., Vzdrževanje in popravilo motornih vozil, Urban Kosmač s.p., Avtovleka Damjan Zalar s.p., Avtovleka Žerjal d.o.o., Avtovleka in popravila Jan Koren s.p., Avtoprevozništvo Matevž Dolinar s.p., Šušteršič d.o.o.;
- zone no. 2 - ACB Slovenske Konjice: Draganović, d.o.o.;
- zone no. 3 - ACB Ljubljana: Avtovleka Jerneja Kopitar s.p. and Avtovleka Požar storitve d.o.o. and subcontractors: Avtovleka Lenarčič, Tomaž Lenarčič s.p., Srečko Kušar s.p., Avtovleka Božič, Peter Božič s.p.;
- zone no. 4 - ACB Hrušica: Junik M d.o.o. and subcontractor Damjan Marinšek, s.p.;
- zone no. 5 - ACB Maribor: Draganović d.o.o..;
- zone no. 6 - ACB Kozina: Avtovleka Jerneja Kopitar s.p. and Assistance Coris d.o.o. and their subcontractors: Avtovleka Sukič Darko s.p., Avtovleka Stanislav Kavšek s.p., SINT Novo mesto d.o.o, Alfa-Car Rovan Sandi s.p., Avtovleka Čepon, Miha Jesenko s.p., Avtovleka Martin Štucin s.p., Avto-Kras d.o.o., Avtovleka Pajer d.o.o.; Avtovleka Setnikar d.o.o., Vzdrževanje in popravilo motornih vozil, Urban Kosmač s.p., Avtovleka Damjan Zalar s.p., Avtovleka Žerjal d.o.o., Avtovleka in popravila Jan Koren s.p., Avtoprevozništvo Matevž Dolinar s.p., Šušteršič d.o.o.;
- zone no. 7 - ACB Vransko: Draganović d.o.o.;
- zone no. 8 - ACB Novo mesto: Avtovleka Jerneja Kopitar s.p. and Avtovleka Požar storitve d.o.o. and subcontractors: Avtovleka Lenarčič, Tomaž Lenarčič s.p., Srečko Kušar s.p., Avtovleka Božič, Peter Božič s.p.;
- zone no. 9 - ACB Murska Sobota: Draganović d.o.o.
The contractual service providers for the removal of obstacles from motorways and carriageways, roadside assistance and mobile crane operations, are performing their services with vehicles equipped with magnetic logos "Pogodbenik DARS, številka ..." (DARS Contractor, number ...)
The chosen contractual vehicle removal service providers will offer their services at all nine zones, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The response time from the moment the contractor receives the call from the ACB emergency service of the motorway and carriageway operator, DARS d.d., responsible for each territorial zone, up to the moment the contractor arrives to the location of event, is 45 minutes for vehicles of up to 3,500 kg of maximum permissible weight, and 60 minutes for vehicles over 3,500 kg of maximum permissible weight. The exception is the Karavanke tunnel, which has a special response time: 25 minutes for vehicles of up to and above 3,500 kg of maximum permissible weight.
DARS, as the operator of motorways and carriageways in accordance with the regulations, is obliged to ensure conditions for the safe flow of traffic, therefore we have to guarantee the removal of vehicles. If a vehicle hinders traffic, and as such, is endangering the safety of other vehicles, such a vehicle must be removed immediately, i.e. withdrawn from the drivable areas. The biggest issue in the removal of vehicles are goods vehicles, buses, and vans. The conditions for their removal are more difficult compared to passenger vehicles, due to their weight and dimensions. Therefore, a timely provision of the necessary assistance is especially important.
The information leaflet in English, German, Hungarian, Italian,and Romanian: