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DarsGo system

DarsGo is a modern electronic tolling system in the free traffic flow for vehicles whose maximum permissible weight exceeds 3.5 tonnes.

Tolling is made possible with the help of a special DarsGo unit, which must be installed inside the vehicle. The whole motorway and expressway network with the total length of 625 km is divided into 128 tolling sections. Installed above each motorway section is a gantry through which the vehicle passes. Upon passing through the gantry, the DarsGo unit is detected, which serves as basis for charging toll in that particular section. Tolling is completely automatic, and the price is based on the distance driven.

Toll is charged separately for each section. The total charged amount is subject to the length of each individual section and vehicle properties, such as the number of axles or the EURO emission standard. Guidelines regarding the planning and implementation of the DarsGo system in the Republic of Slovenia are found in the documents of competent European and national authorities, while the main requirements are defined in the Road tolling act.

►Informative price tariff of toll is available here.

All necessary arrangements regarding the DarsGo tolling system can be made at:

"DarsGo servis" offices

If you have any kind of questions regarding toll payment on our toll roads, do not hesitate to contact our customer centre.

'DarsGo servis' offices
Ljubljana, Obrežje, Fernetiči, Gruškovje, Hrušica

+386 (0)1 518 83 50